Careers Advice

If you are part way through your career, or perhaps contemplating a new challenge or even trying to decide when to retire and plan for succession, we can help guide you. 

We have many years experience in insolvency and restructuring and we are very happy to utilise this experience to help guide you.  We have seen insolvency professionals take on a new role, sometimes without thinking of the long term consequences.  Specialising in one area too soon in a career can limit your choices in the future and in some cases it closes the door for ever!

Free Insolvency Careers Advice

Who do we offer advice to?

This is very simple, we advise anyone currently working in insolvency at any level!  

  • Insolvency Practitioners
  • Senior Insolvency Managers
  • Insolvency Managers
  • Assistant Insolvency Managers
  • Senior Insolvency Administrators
  • Insolvency Administrators
  • Trainee Insolvency Administrators
  • Insolvency Cashiers
We mainly advise those working within private practice.


When should advice be taken?

The simple answer is "Anytime!

You will know when the time is right.  Taking advice doesn't have to be when you have decided to move on.  Indeed, assessing your career is something that you should always be thinking about.  

It is too easy to get sucked into the busy life that is the world of insolvency, resulting in you having little time to stand back and see just where you are going, or even if you are enjoying your job!

There is never a wrong time to seek advice, with one caveat.....unless it is too late!

How to get free and very confidential advice?

Please be reassured that we always treat every enquiry in strict confidence and we will never discuss you, or the advice we give, with anyone outside of our business.......which means just the two directors!

You will only ever receive advice from one of our directors, usually this will be Geoff Gee, a former IP himself!

To register for free advice, follow the link below and we will then arrange a confidential telephone call to you at a time that is convenient to you.